Lastest update (1.1) for Orbit One(Universal) already release.
This time is a major update.
I take out the mini map and the quit/pause button. (who need a quit button nowadays)
I replace its with "pinch to zoom" and "drag to move". (as you wish)
There's a comment from one of the player (there's only total two comments actually...):-
Very cool game
Oddly compelling, from its retro graphics to a cool take on physics games. I've spent the last 10 minutes playing it in level mode. Some suggestions that would make this a winner (my opinion):
1) More than one life (level mode).
2) The ability to pinch and zoom to see the entire field. Toggling back and forth is tiresome.
3) Power-ups and/or ship upgrades.
4) Limited mid-course directional thrusters (perhaps as part of #3 above).
Thumbs up!
--------------------------------------------------------------------1) More than one life (level mode).
2) The ability to pinch and zoom to see the entire field. Toggling back and forth is tiresome.
3) Power-ups and/or ship upgrades.
4) Limited mid-course directional thrusters (perhaps as part of #3 above).
Thumbs up!
(copy from iTunes Customer Reviews)
I also include the Level System. Different level come with different rocket speed. (and life too)
Hopefully this will make it a winner :)
New screenshots: