27 May, 2014

Orbit One new update 1.1

Hi guy.
Lastest update (1.1) for Orbit One(Universal) already release.

This time is a major update.
I take out the mini map and the quit/pause button. (who need a quit button nowadays)
I replace its with "pinch to zoom" and "drag to move". (as you wish)

There's a comment from one of the player (there's only total two comments actually...):-
Very cool game 

Oddly compelling, from its retro graphics to a cool take on physics games. I've spent the last 10 minutes playing it in level mode. Some suggestions that would make this a winner (my opinion):

1) More than one life (level mode).
2) The ability to pinch and zoom to see the entire field. Toggling back and forth is tiresome.
3) Power-ups and/or ship upgrades.
4) Limited mid-course directional thrusters (perhaps as part of #3 above).

Thumbs up!
(copy from iTunes Customer Reviews)

I also include the Level System. Different level come with different rocket speed. (and life too)
Hopefully this will make it a winner :)

New screenshots:

17 May, 2014

The ninjas are coming!

My latest iOS game- Shuriken War (Universal) is now available on the AppStore!

Is all about ninja, sword, attack, fight, warrior, blades, shuriken (the flying star)....
Yap. All the all time favourite elements in mobile gaming.
(don't worry, is not "another" clone :)

Simple gameplay, just click & throw (to kill the ninjas).

Download now. It's a FREE-to-Play game with iAds.
Hope you guys will like it.

iTunes link:

Click HERE or the "Shuriken War" top page link for screenshots and gaeplay demo video.

09 May, 2014

Simplicity is Beauty

My latest game “Orbit One” (Universal) is now available on the AppStore!
It's a free-to-play app with iAds.
Yep. iAds. (that's what they said, 70% of the mobile gameplayer loves/prefer FREE game and they don't mind with/advertisement).

Click here or the top page link for screenshots and gameplay demo video.