30 June, 2014

“Orbit One” and “MyBestFriends” are now available in Google Play (FREE)

Hi guys. Finally i uploaded all my games to Google Play (Android version).
All FREE-to-play (with Chartboost ads).

Spot the different? Yes, this time i change "Orbit One" icon to circle. (now only i know Android app icon can be any shape).

Orbit One (Android version):

MyBestFriends (Android version):

27 June, 2014

Shuriken War now on Google Play

Hi guys.
My first Android game "Shuriken War" available now on the Google Play.


It's still a FREE-to-play game with ads (Chartboot).

Here's some extra artworks for Android market (Google Play).

For the iPhone and iPad user, you can alway download the IOS version from here.