09 July, 2008

Realistic Vector ≠ Best Selling

7:07 PM

Your Illustrator's skill is very good. You want to illustrated a "photo-reallistic" master piece...

You spend 2 weeks, 4 hours a day (after work), finally your nice fresh shinning beautiful apple vector illustration is done. You start to upload to istockphoto (cos istockphoto can get better pay for vector download).
Few days later, the vector got approved and listed in your gallery. After few weeks you maybe manage to get 1 or 2 downloads but many reviews and very high rating... You start to wonder, why so many people like my work but not much download? What's wrong with my work? It look so real and the gradient was so perfectly done...

Actually there's nothing wrong with your artwork, it's fine, but if the buyer want to buy a realistic apple, they call always look for a real apple photo image rather than a "photo-reallistic" vector apple.
If the buyer is looking for vector, they'll only buy/download the vector that match their campaign/project's concept and not because of how nice the gradient was make.

Here's some sample vector taken from istockphoto...

(picture taken from istockphoto)

Of course many "photo-reallistic" vectors also are selling well.
Please click on link to view
istockphoto's "Photo-realistic Vectors" lightbox.