05 February, 2010

The master visit my blog!

7:20 PM

Remember the master of Adobe illustrator Mr. Yukio Miyamoto? He just visited my blog & leave some links to view his latest artwork....

Here's the latest master piece by Mr. Yukio Miyamoto + intro copy wrote by him self.

The Tube
Tube doesn't use the gradation mesh at all. ~Yukio Miyamoto
Original link:

The Guitar
This guitar is made in Germany. It is one of my favorite guitar. This work doesn't use the gradation mesh at all. ~Yukio Miyamoto
Original link:

The Pen
This is a very expensive fountain pen. The penpoint uses the blend tool. The gradation mesh uses only the grip part. It doesn't use it for another. After acknowledgment is received from the agency of the pen manufacturer in Japan, it draws. ~Yukio Miyamoto
Original link:

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Arthur said...

Thanks foor this blog post